Community Councillors (as of October 2022)
Ian Collinson
2, Smallholm Steading
James Marshall Vice Chair
Nethergrange, Hightae
01387 810081
Freda Seddon
Hill-Bryde, Hightae
01387 811580
Cathy Robinson
Appletree Cottage, Hightae
Graham Anderson
Newton, Low Road, Hightae
01387 810430
Stuart Bowe –
Lake House, Heck
James Marshall
Nethergrange, Hightae
01387 810081
William Muirhead
2 Hazelnook, Hightae
01387 811368
David Maylor
10 Holland Bush
Community Council Status: established
District: Annandale and Eskdale
Maximum number of voting members: 11
Community Councillors (elected with voting rights): 8
Community Councillors (co-opted with non-voting rights): 0
Vacancies: 3
Local Councillors (ex-officio with non-voting rights): 0
Estimated population of CC area: 485
AGM month: July
Meeting frequency: approx. every 5/6 weeks except August.
Local Councillors
Adam Wilson
07388 956546
Carolyne Wilson
07795 926793
Lynne Davies
07795 926781
Gail MacGregor
07825 633186
Stephen Thompson
07825 633151
About Community Councils
Community Councils were introduced mainly to gather public opinion and pass these opinions on to local authorities and other public sector bodies.
For example, they have a right to be consulted about planning and licensing applications. They are part of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s winter resilience scheme and many Community Councils have been issued with equipment such as salt bins and snow shovels. Community Councils have invaluable knowledge about vulnerable people in their communities who may need extra assistance at times.
Here are some examples of what you can expect your Community Council to help you with:
How do we get a salt bin for our street?
More detail about Planning and licensing applications.
How do we get something done about potholes?
Power cuts, water supply disruption – knowledge about vulnerable people to pass on to public sector bodies.
Advice about antisocial behaviour.
Community Councils in Scotland are governed by the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway. This sets out how they should operate including, elections, membership rules and meeting arrangements. The Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway was originally adopted in 1997. Since then various amendments have been agreed by Dumfries and Galloway Council and you can download the most up to date version from the DGC Community Council website below:
D&G Council Community Council information
Royal Four Towns Community Council
In addition to RFT Community Councillors, any resident of RFT is welcome to attend meetings. Residents normally attend because they have an issue to raise with the council.
Meetings are normally attended by the Community Police Officer and Local Elected Members of Dumfries and Galloway Council (local councillors).
Minutes of the last meeting and the agenda for the next are put up in Hightae in the display cabinet (outside the old Post Office) and in the bus shelter (near RFT Hall) and in Greenhill in the display cabinet (on the village Green). Other notices for RFT CC are also put in the bus shelter.
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Dumfries and Galloway Council wants to involve local residents and communities in its work and its decision-making processes.
This survey aims to find out what you think of how we engage and involve individuals and communities, our work so far and what you think we could do better. This is a real opportunity for you to influence how Dumfries and Galloway Council organises its resources to empower communities in the future.
Please click on the below link to take part.
Dumfries and Galloway Community Engagement Survey
I would really appreciate it if you could take time to participate and to share this email with anyone you think may be interested. If you need any assistance please telephone 01387 245960 or email
Your views are important to me.
Thank you.
Kirsty Peden
Service Manager Area Framework & Community Learning and Development (Nithsdale)
Community and Customer Services
Municipal Chambers
Buccleuch Street
Dumfries DG1 2AD