Other Uses of the Hall
These are some of the uses the Hall is currently put to but in addition the Annandale Young Farmers use it during the winter months to practise for their pantomime. The local Primary School also use the Hall in Winter for PE lessons. There is an annual Show and Gala held every year and the Show and Gala Committee organise various events throughout the year to raise funds for this. Previously there have been 3 Lego / Toy Fairs held at the Hall and these have been very successful with many bargains being had. There has also been a Table Tennis Club in the past but unfortunately this is no longer meeting although there are 2 tables and all the equipment still available.
The RFT Community Council also use the Hall for its’ meetings.
The RFT Hall Association organise a couple of two day Craft Fairs over a weekend in April and in October and these are usually very well attended and provides essential funds for the Association to assist it in the maintenance of the Hall. Crafters come from all over the Dumfries and Galloway region to participate in this event.
The Hall Association also organises a Christmas lights display each year with a grand switching on ceremony proceeded by a Carol Concert performed by our Play Group Children along with Mulled Wine, Mince Pies and Christmas Cake etc.
They also run a 50:50 club to raise funds. This costs just £1 per month and 50% of the subs are paid out in prizes every month and 50% retained for the Hall. If you want to join with a chance to win contact Jeanette Carmichael on 01387 810862.
It is hoped that more events will be organised to ensure the Hall is well used and in the past we have had plays and a Comedy Night in the style of “Live at The Apollo”.