Royal Four Towns Village Hall

For more information please contact the booking secretary Ian McColm on 01387 810702 or E-mail

  • Available for hire to the public
  • Modern kitchen & heating system

Information about some of our events and facilities are available below:

The Royal Four Towns

The residents run a varied programme of friendly activities and events in their hall at Hightae. New members and visitors will be made very welcome.

Mondays Evening 1st in Month Sept. To April Scottish Women’s Institute
Tuesdays Afternoon




2nd and 4th in Month

3rd in Month Sept. To April

Weekly Oct. To March

Weekly 10-11.30

Craft group (Days)

Golden Years Club

Scottish Country Dancing

Tai Chi

Wednesdays Morning



1st and 3rd in the Month

Hightae Artists Group

Craft Group (Evenings)

Thursdays Morning


During Term Time

Weekly Oct. To March

Play Group

Scottish Old Time Dancing

Fridays Morning Last Friday in the month


Coffee Stop and Book Exchange


In addition,

In support of Hall Funds, there are Dances in March and September, a popular two day Craft Fair in October, a live Theatre performance annually and other events.

In addition to talks and demonstrations, the W.I. and Golden Years Club, organise visits to places of interest.

The Hightae Artists Group hold exhibitions and sales of their work.

The annual Show and Gala is held in the second week of August, and Fund Raising Quiz nights are held twice a year.

An act of Remembrance , followed by refreshments in the hall is held on Remembrance Sunday.

A family Social Evening marks the switching on of the Christmas Lights display.


For more detailed information on activities and events please contact the Hall Booking Secretary on 01387 810702 or visit the RFT Hall Association’s FaceBook page.